Influencer Discovery

November 19, 2024

7 min read

Top 15 Small Content Creators on YouTube


CEO & Co-Founder at

November 19, 2024

7 min read

YouTube is the second most visited website worldwide, with an estimated 50M active creators that upload around 500 hours’ worth of content every single minute.

The competition between creators in this infinite ocean of content is fierce. And with so much content and viewership, only a few YouTube creators are able to stand in the spotlight. Those that do are generally among the 5% of YouTube creators with more than 1 million subscribers.

But contrary to common belief, having a lot of subs doesn’t always translate to god-tier content. There are quite a few smaller YouTube creators who generate incredible content despite their tiny audience.

In this article, we share our top 16 small YouTube content creators that you can watch, or even collaborate with if you’re a brand (we’ll include their business emails). Let’s get into it.

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YouTube (with emails)

FREE list of 150 micro-influencers


Noble Plays is a YouTube creator based around MMORPG games. As far as games go, he mainly plays Star Wars Old Republic (SWTOR). On his channel you can find gameplay videos, podcasts, as well as prevalent news in the SWTOR community.

He’s been on YouTube since 2015, and has amassed more than 1.3M views.


2. Atomic Wolf (6.69K)


Peterson, or Atomic Wolf on YouTube, is a voice actor, audio drama specialist, and creator of the A-Bomb Radio Fallout radio station/app, as well as the True Vault Escapades radio series.

He mainly creates narrative-based content, with a lot of it taking place in the realms of his favorite video games (Bioshock, Fallout and others)

Peterson joined YouTube in 2014, with almost 1.7M views to date.


3. Almighty Jah (2.52K)


Almighty Jah is a teenage vlogger on YouTube. His videos consist of pranks, vlogs, public interviews where he asks inappropriate questions, mukbangs and even gaming videos.

Jah joined YouTube in 2016, and has 59k views to date.


4. Korr – YouTube (710)

Email: private
Linkedin Profile

Marko’s, or Korr on YouTube, is your one-stop-shop Channel for everything car-related. His videos range from car reviews, rants, and discussions, to gaming videos (car games of course).

He’s been on YouTube since 2017 and has 154k views to date.


5. SoundsByShelly (3.64K)


DJ Shelly is an international full-time DJ that’s dedicated her YouTube channel to educating and inspiring up-and-coming wannabe DJs in their careers.

Her videos include tutorials and info-packed videos, as well as vlogs, tours, and so much more.

Shelly joined YouTube in 2013 and has 1.3M views to date.


6. Nasty Ray (7.83K)


Ray is a professional dancer that travels the world and documents his experiences on his YouTube channel. His videos include vlogs, dancing skits, and dancing tutorials.

He’s been on YouTube since 2011 and has almost 300k views to date.


7. Box King Kevin (6.37k)

Email: private

Kevin, also known as Box King Kevin on YouTube, is a gaming creator and Twitch streamer. His videos consist of gameplay walkthrough videos of the Halo franchise, Red Dead Redemption 2, Super Mario, X-Men, and so much more.

He’s been on YouTube since 2012 and has almost 3M views to date.


8. The Sassy Cinderella(2.38K)

Email: private

The Sassy Cinderella is all about Disney. Her content consists of unboxings, hauls, pin trading, and occasional crafts, and everything is Disney-themed! She’s also very keen on fitness and beauty, so you’ll find fitness and beauty-related unboxings from time to time as well.

The Sassy Cinderella has been on YouTube since 2019, and has 151k views to date.


9. Glitter Valkyrie (8.86K)

Email: private

Glitter Valkyrie is a gaming creator that creates content around Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, and Zelda (a little too much). But she also records other games from time to time as well.

She’s been on YouTube since 2018, and has 930k views to date.


10. Yvng Fredo(6.78K)


Fredo’s channel is all about pranks and very awkward public interviews, but he also does reactions and vlogs from time to time. His videos are super consistent, and he always comes up with the most reaction drawing the craziest questions to interview people.

He’s been on YouTube since 2015 and has 443k views to date


11. Skycommando (7.19K)


Skycommando is a gaming creator (and memester) that’s all about military-themed games. His videos are funny skits, but he also does gameplay and commentary-style videos from time to time.

He’s been on YouTube since 2013 and has 1.8M views to date.


12. Nintendo Hero (24.6K)


Nintendo Hero describes himself as a guy who loves Nintendo and likes making videos about it. Pretty simple. On his channel, you’ll find content on any and every Nintendo game out there. His favorite games to record are of course the Nintendo classics like Zelda and Mario.

Nintendo Hero has been on YouTube since 2017 and has 4.2M views to date.


13. Samantha Martin (24.2K)


Sarah is a fashion, beauty. DIY and college student vlogger on YouTube. Her videos are for the most part centered around showcasing the college lifestyle through dorm room tours, college rants, and DIY room projects.

She’s been on YouTube since 2013, and has 1.9M views on YouTube.


14. WarGamerGirl – YouTube (33.7K)

Email: private

WarGamerGirl is all about miniature war board games. WarGamerGirl does a variety of different types of content, although nowadays she mostly streams her “Paint and Chat” series.

Every year she organizes an event called “Valhalla in the Fall”, where she invites gamers across the US to a board game escape resort. The event is extremely popular among the community, and tickets often sell out as soon as she announces it.


15. 2 Minute Classroom (82.4K)

Virgil’s contact form

Virgil, or 2 Minute Classroom, is a YouTube creator that makes informative videos around many self-improvement and educational subjects, ranging from science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, genetics, and fitness, to even goal setting and time management.

His videos follow a simple format, informative, engaging, and simple to grasp explanations. Perfect for students. Virgil has been on YouTube since 2016 and has 10M views to date


Wrapping Up

Watching a few small creators is a great way to find some refreshing content, and step away from the giants of YouTube. Some of the creators on this list were super niche with their own unique content styles, and that’s what makes them special.

We hope you enjoyed the creators on this list, and found someone new to watch or perhaps collaborate with (thank us for the emails later).


The creators on this list were just a tiny fraction of our creator database in which we can easily find your perfect creator based on targeting criteria like number of followers, keywords in bio, location, age, gender, interests, and some 20 other data points.