After understanding their goals and the value of their product, this is what we did.
Identified or discovered the most suitable bloggers
We were searching for bloggers from different niches including fashion, real estate, gaming, DIY, mental health, etc.
Because All-in Advisors offers accounting, tax planning, and similar services, we’ve targeted only creators that make six figures per year (bloggers with around 10k-100k monthly visitors).
We searched the internet to find creators that:
- Had the word “blogger” in their bio sections
- Used specific hashtags (ex. #fashionblogger, #gamingblog)
- Mentioned a specific word in their captions (ex. Mental health, DIY)
After we found relevant creators we:
- Checked other links they promote to find their blog, digital products, affiliate links, etc.
- Plus, not only do we have detailed data, but we manually reviewed all matching creators to ensure the selected bloggers meet the specified criteria.
Crafted an email copy
High-value bloggers like the ones we were targeting work with agencies that handle their emails including all offerings and business inquiries.
So, they are usually very hard to reach and that’s why we did super-personalized (1-1) email outreach. Here’s how we did it.
We have two creator outreach strategies:
- Using client-written emails we handle campaign deliverability and replies
- Using custom email copy for each target group written by our copywriting experts, plus handling campaign deliverability and replies
- For All-in Advisors we had the second approach where we had a dedicated copywriter that crafted personalized email copy for each of the 8+ target groups.
Handled email deliverability
As for all clients on our partnership program, we dedicated one email deliverability expert that was analyzing campaign statistics on a daily basis.
This approach allows us to have a thorough understanding of campaign performance and effectively scale the outreach per client request.
For All-in Advisors, we initially sent 150 emails per day. After 8 days, we increased the daily email count to 200.
Test and constantly improve email copy
We keep improving the email content and testing different target groups until we find the best emails and the right creators for our outreach.
Managed the replies
Although some of our clients handle positive replies by themselves, in this case, we had a team of creator sales that handled the whole conversation on behalf of the client.
We engaged and established a connection with each creator individually, up until the conversion was achieved, which in this case was when a blogger signed up for their accounting services.