Creator Lookup by
Email and Username

Transform your existing data into actionable insights.

Some amazing companies that work with us

Enrich your list of emails or usernames

You have thousands of subscribers or users you know nothing about?

Match your list with our database of 170M+ profiles and learn everything about the creators in your list.

Powered by the largest creator database

Tap into a database of 170M+ creators from all social media and creator platforms.

Enrich your list only with relevant and most recent information.

Get a 360° Overview of Every Creator

For every enriched profile you get 40+ insights and metrics including a verified email, location, interests, keywords and links used, and more.

This type of detailed overview enables the most precise targeting for any use case.

The Power of Data Enrichment

See how you can supercharge your growth with creator data.

Identify creators among your customers

Enrich your followers or customer list to find creators who already love your brand.

Learn everything about your subscribers

Which of them are creators, audience size, demographics, what platforms do they use, how do they monetize, and more.

CRM enrichment

Keep your internal systems up to date with enriched creator profiles and metrics for improved campaign planning.

Streamline the signup process

Enrich all fields needed to simplify the signup process and remove the social media validation step through our API.

Personalize user feeds

Platforms can use creator data to personalize feeds and make recommendations based on user preferences, followed creators, and trending content.

How it works

Book a Demo
  • Book a demo and sign up to our platform 

  • Upload your list of usernames, emails, or phone numbers.

  • Download your enriched list in just a few minutes.

  • Book a Demo

Use our business API

Request API access to integrate our data directly into your internal systems.
Get real-time data for any creator from Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Patreon,
OnlyFans, Linktree, and 40+ more platforms.

Don’t take our word for it

Check out what industry leaders say about working with

Avi Gandhi

Founder at Creator Logic

“Sending more high-quality emails is essential to convert creators efficiently, but it’s hard to do that cost-effectively if you hire and train an in-house team.

The solution is to outsource to a company that can do it cheaper and better than you. The best company in the space for this is

They do Pearpop, they do my newsletter for creators (1500+ new subscribers in 3 months), and a lot of big companies I’m not supposed to name.”

Avi Gandhi

Founder at Creator Logic


Yes, we understand that different businesses have unique needs so we are flexible and offer custom solutions. To discuss any specific data requirements please get in touch with us.

We have 170M+ creators from Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Patreon, OnlyFans, Twitch, Discord, Linktree, and 40+ more platforms. 

We are also continuously updating and expanding our database, and we are adding more creators and new platforms. This makes our database an unlimited source for data enrichment.

Yes, we take data security and privacy very seriously and our data is handled in compliance with relevant regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Your uploaded data is securely processed and is not shared with any unauthorized parties.

We’ve worked with over 1K companies targeting creators for different use cases and we are familiar with all the challenges they had. So we created the best customer data enrichment solution with:

  • The largest creator database with over 110M creators from 30+ platforms.
  • Over 40+ data points per creator and multi-platform analysis.
  • Live data for any public username from any platform.
  • We continuously update and expand the data so you’ll get the most current information.
  • Simple use – Upload and download process with quick turnaround times.

When using the enrichment through our platform, you’ll get the data in a CSV file. 

If you use our enrichment API, the data is delivered in JSON format for seamless integration into your applications.

We identify duplicate records before you get your enriched file and you receive only clean, consistent data.