Find Patreon Creators

Use our free tool to find Patreon creators to connect or work with. Search by niche, name, username, or use advanced filters to dive deeper into discovering Patreon creators.

Bulk Enrich Your Instagram Data

Upload your list of IG emails, usernames or phone numbers and get 50+ data points for each discovered profile.


Search through 60M Instagram Creators

30 advanced filters to instantly find buttonwrapperand contact your ideal creators.

You have 6 free searches left

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Find Patreon creators to work with

Search through a database of 60K+ Patreon creators and discover the top creators in any niche.

Support your favorite Patreon creators

If you’re searching for a specific creator you want to subscribe to, use the tool above to search by name or username.

Get verified emails for each creator

We have an email address for all Patreon creators in our database.

All emails are verified and the database is updated bi-weekly so you’ll get only up-to-date data.

40+ parameters for every creator

Using our tool, you can find creators that align with any criteria. Search by niche, name, and location.

Deep Dive to Find Niche Creators

We have unmatched data points and you can search as niche as you want.

For example, you can find Patreon creators who sell merch, promote affiliate links, are active on other social media platforms, etc.


Here’s what our customers say about us.

“Working with at Mojo has been exceptional. They tailored every aspect of our collaboration to meet our specific business needs. Their proactive approach, attention to detail, and expertise in influencer marketing resulted in successful campaigns that resonated with our audience. I highly recommend them for their dedication and ability to deliver impactful results.”

Anthony Morcillo Marketing Performance Manager

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Yes, once you find influencers that match your criteria you can export a list. 

You can specify the exact number of influencers you want to export, and your list will be validated within a few minutes. 

Once ready, you can download your custom list in a CSV file.

Book a demo to learn more and get access to the platform.

The free Patreon search tool is limited to 3 searches per day. After that, you can wait for the searches to restart the next day or sign up for our creator discovery dashboard. 

On our dashboard, you have unlimited searches and you’ll need to pay only for the number of Patreon creators that you export. You can see the pricing here.

Yes, you can use the enrichment feature on our dashboard to find Patreon creators by email. 

You need to upload an email list and we’ll find every Patreon creator associated with an email from your list. Plus, we’ll provide 40+ data points for each creator (niche, location, links from other social media profiles, etc).

Book a demo and get access to our platform.

Yes, you can get more info here, or you can book a meeting so we can discuss this in detail.

Yes, you can book a demo call and our team will walk you through the dashboard features, plus tips on how to get data per your criteria using our tool.