Freelancer Email List

Buy validated freelancer email lists and safely contact only the freelancer you need

95% Deliverability Guarantee

If more than 5% of our emails bounce back, you get a full refund.

GDPR and CCPA Compliant

Every business email that we provide is publicly available on Instagram

67k Freelancers in Database

Get custom targeted email lists based on your ideal freelancers.

Unlimited Usage Rights

Once you order the list, you own it! Our pricing is transparent; we don’t charge extra for reusing the emails.

We make it easy & safe to reach freelancers via email

Tell Us Your

Briefly share details of the type of freelancers you're trying to contact.

We Cherry-Pick
the Right Ones

We go over freelancers on Instagram and cherry-pick the ones that match your criteria.

Boost Your B2B Sales
& Revenue

With our email lists, it’s easy to report on ROI, plan quick tactical results, and justify every penny of your marketing budget.

Search, filter, and export emails of freelancers in bulk

We have a database of 70M+ emails from creators in every niche, including freelancers.

Access free trial. No credit card required

Nickname Email Country
CherryQuench USA
The Future Steampunk King USA
Christie Jane USA
Sith Lord CiCi 485 😈💨 USA
Chris Ring USA
Christian USA
You’ll grow your business with a freelancer email list

A freelancer email list will not only help you in the short term by finding a customer base but also in the long term by giving you a reference for future expansion in similar sectors.

The customers you get have a high chance to become returning or even loyal ones, as well as increasing your reputation in your sector, or making people more open to your future marketing campaigns.

Keywords play a big part in the selection process of candidates for your email list if you’re looking for freelancers, then any associated keywords will be valid for the search (developer, or freelance developer).
Hashtags play an important part as well, a hashtag like #freelance on a couple of profiles can be a gold mine for potential customers.

Our Clients Absolutely Adore Us

Nick Chen - Co-founder & CEO at Pico
Darrel Brown
I was making an email list of developer freelancers and I got bogged down by the technical issues. That’s why I used Influencers Clubs’ service to ease some of my workloads. Turns out they just did the job for me, hiring them was the best idea i’ve ever had!
Alley Cohen
Alley Cohen
Influencers Club helped me get a list of every person in the US that had the keyword “developer freelancer” in their Instagram bio. Couldn’t have done it without them!
Daniel Eriksson - Growth at
Jason Smith
Normally I’d say “if you can’t do it yourself, don’t bother”, good thing I was wrong on that! Influencers club gave me an email list of people that had the hashtag #freelance on their Instagram profile. If you need help as I did, call them up.

Reach Thousands Of New Creators, Or Customers

We’ve also sent millions of our own emails ourselves, so we know a thing or two about
sending emails at scale. Let’s chat.