June 29, 2021

Buy Diabetes Email List | Database of People With Diabetes


Having a diabetes email list can help you easily reach a lot of people with diabetes in no time. In this article, we are going to talk about how Influencers Club can help you find numerous people that have diabetic problems, people that have type 1 or type 2 diabetes as well as people who use insulin.

When talking about diabetes email lists, most data providers have outdated information that is 10+ years old. There are a lot of old people that happen to be on those email lists, and sadly having diabetes for 10 or more years can be fatal for some people and those email addresses would practically be useless.

Our data is always up-to-date because we offer email address lists that are based on the specific keywords (“diabetic”, “type 1 diabetes”, “insulin”) that people have in their social media bio.

And that’s just the beginning. Many people that have diabetes don’t state that in their biography, but they have shared photos related to diabetes, so we can find leads based on that too.

There are numerous accounts that share tips on living with diabetes, so we can also research their followers and find a plethora of diabetes leads.

If you want to get a free email list of people that are diabetics, people who either have type 1 or type 2 diabetes or use insulin, stick around until the end of this article.

How to Find Emails of Your Ideal Diabetes Leads

According to the latest study of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2020, there were 34.2 million American adults that had diabetes, which means that 1 in 10 people are diabetics. Statista’s 2021 study shows that 82% of the population in the United States uses social media.

Get Targeted Emails From 100 Diabetics

Whether you’re seeking information on diet and exercise, treatment options, or support groups for those living with diabetes, our list has got you covered.

If we take into account both of the mentioned studies, we come to a conclusion that 28 million Americans that have diabetes use social media.

You may not know this, but 40% percent of all Instagram users have their contact information publicly available.

  • 10% of all users of the platform have written their email addresses in their short biography.
  • The other 30% have an “Email” button on their profile. (You can see this only when using the Instagram mobile app.)

There are multiple ways to find this contact information from people that have diabetes.

1. Diabetes-related keywords in social media biography

Diabetes has a big impact on people’s lives and because of that, some Instagram users that are diabetics decide to include this information in their biography.

At Influencers Club, we offer you the opportunity to find email addresses based on specific words that are included in the social media biography of a user. For example, you can have emails from people that:

  • Have keywords like “diabetic”, “diabetes”, and “diabetes mellitus” in their bio.
  • Have included the specific type in their bio: “type 1 diabetes”, “type 2 diabetes”.
  • Used words that are closely related to diabetes, such as “insulin” or “obesity”.
Diabetes-related keywords in social media biography

If you are interested in targeting users that have included some of these keywords or any other keyword in their bio, make sure to schedule a free call with our team to discuss the specific audience and keywords you want to target.

2. Diabetes-related Hashtags

Hashtags are used to describe pictures, but at the same time they also help the post have higher reach and get more likes. Every person that is active on social media wants to have more likes, even if they don’t publicly say that and therefore many users add hashtags to their posts.

Hashtags are one of the first features that were included on Instagram and even today, nearly 11 years after the release of the app they are still used on a daily basis.

For example, the hashtag #diabetes has over 6.1M posts. Our team of in-house researchers will go through all of the posts and the profiles that have used this hashtag in order to find diabetes leads that you are looking for and collect their publicly available contact information.

Diabetes Email List - Diabetes-related Hashtags

Here’s a table with a few examples of hashtags that we could research for you if you want to find diabetes leads:

Diabetes-related Hashtags

Hashtag Number of Posts
#type1diabetes 1.15M
#diabetestype2 233k
#diabetestipo1 310k
#diabetesmellitus 167k
#diabetescommunity 117k

3. Fans of Diabetes Influencers

The third way to find leads from people with diabetes is to research the Instagram followers of big diabetes influencers on Instagram. The people who are following these accounts are most likely diabetics that are either following them for tips or motivation about coping with diabetes.

It’s our job to research the email addresses of the followers of a specific account, afterwards, we will validate the list, and clear it from any business emails (info@, support@, sales@), invalid email addresses as well as duplicate email addresses.

You just need to choose the account which followers you want to target, schedule a free meeting, and leave the rest to us.

Here are some examples of diabetes influencers whose followers we can research:

Fans of Diabetes Influencers

Instagram Influencer / Brand Number of Followers
Mary Ellen 81.4k
T1D Nutritionist 37k
The Diabetes App 15k
Biz Velatini 121k
American Diabetes Association 48.4k

How to Use a Diabetes Email List

Having validated & up-to-date contact information of many diabetes leads gives numerous marketing opportunities. Here we will cover a simple 3-step strategy that many of our customers have used to reach some really high RoaS.

Step 1. Running Facebook Ads to the Diabetes Community

Facebook ads are one of the most powerful tools for marketing when we talk about reaching the widest audience possible, but they are not the best option when we want to target something on a smaller scale. As we said before, our goal with marketing isn’t to reach as many people as possible, but rather to reach the right ones that are ready to pick up their credit cards and buy.

With Facebook Ads, you can’t specifically target “Diabetes”. The closest interest that you can target is “Diabetes mellitus awareness”, which gives an audience of 161,088,700. That’s too broad.

And even if the audience was smaller, “Diabetes mellitus awareness” is not the interest that we want to target, it is about diabetes awareness, and not every person that is aware of diabetes is actually suffering from it, so we would just waste half of our marketing budget if we ran ads just like this.

However, there’s an option in Facebook Ads where you can create so-called “Custom Audiences”. This feature was created for brands to run ads to previous buyers or subscribers by importing their email addresses. The best part is that Facebook doesn’t ask you to verify the source which you got your email addresses from, which means that you can use the ones that we will provide to you.

The goal with Step 1, isn’t to get sales. We run the ads just to “warm up” the diabetes audience and make them familiar with our story and brand.

Step 2. Diabetes Email Marketing

After successfully finishing Step 1, which means after our Facebook Ads get some impressions and clicks, we should start Step 2 of our marketing campaign which is our email marketing.

According to the CAN-SPAM Act, you can email people that haven’t subscribed or opted in your email marketing campaign, but you just need to make sure that you include an Unsubscribe button that is easily visible, so people have a clear way to opt-out of your email list.

For best results, you should clearly communicate the value you’re offering with your email. You may also provide a discount code or a special offer that will make your audience know that they are in a special position.

Step 3. Retargeting & Lookalikes

You will for sure have some people that are interested in your product, they have visited your website either through your Facebook ads or email marketing, but for some unknown reason, they haven’t made the final step and purchased your product.

These are people that are super-interested in your product, they just need a little help to make the decision and buy, so you will help them in this by running retargeting ads to them.

Last, but not least, you will create Lookalikes audiences and run ads to them as well. You will use the people that have already bought from your website to help Facebook create other audiences with similar characteristics to your newest customers.

By using examples of already existing customers, you will help Facebook’s algorithm by a ton, because it will have the specific characteristics to look for, which will give you much greater RoaS compared to running basic FB ads.

Final Words

The only downside to this strategy is that only 40% of all Instagram profiles have their contact information available to the public. That means that if we research the hashtag #diabetes that has more than 6.1M posts, we would only find around 2M diabetes leads.

For example, let’s take into account the fact that Instagram has more than 1 billion active users on a monthly basis. That means there are numerous leads for any niche. And remember, you don’t need to reach every single person on this planet. You want to reach the super-targeted people that are interested in buying your product/service and we will help you find just that.

If you want to run a successful marketing campaign, you need validated, up-to-date emails, make sure to schedule a quick call with our team.

As we promised at the beginning of this article, here are some free email lists from diabetics, free type 1 or type 2 diabetes list as well as a list of people that use insulin.

Free Diabetes Email List

Here is a free email list from people that have included the words “Diabetes” or “Diabetic” in their Instagram bio:

Free Diabetes Email List

Instagram Username Email Address Instagram Bio
faithzak73 faithzak92@gmail.com I am a t1diabetic; diabetic accessories/products that make life easier is my passion. I am an Infulerancer and I am interested in brand colaberations.
jazell_renee Jazellrenee@yahoo.com Inspiring Model and Actress. Type 1 Diabetic Booking: Contact Jazellrenee@yahoo.com
charli.wags cj_wagstaff@yahoo.com type 1 diabetic ♡ dvrhs ‘22 16 ♡
daynaholliayurveda yogaayurvedalove@gmail.com 🍃AyurPractitioner🙌🏼Yoga Instructor ✨Prenatal &Postnatal Support✨Herbal Oils🍶Ayurvedic Therapies👐🏼🌿🌻Type1 Diabetic 2013 >The Keto Diet since 4/29/20
worldofsmackey worldofsmackey@gmail.com She/Her Sharing my dance with diabetes Ft.Therapy Tree Pre diabetic Current HbA1C 41 down from 48 Period Chats Keeping it real – Real messy.

Free Database of People That Use Insulin

In this table we have included some free sample email addresses from people that are insulin users:

Free Database of People That Use Insulin

Instagram Username Email Address Instagram Bio
t1d_brey aubzaw@yahoo.com just me; my lil insulin pump and dex ☆ always in the mood for a adventuring. type 1 diabetic: est 2007 💉☀️✌️••• 📍chicago
damienshinoda damienshinoda@live.com Type One diabetic. Insulin powered💉👊🏻
edlpace pacemaker@edelpace.com Mom. Coffee lover. Insulin junkie. Blogger. Positive thinker. Christian. #liveyourlifeatyourownpace #NotAloneT1D #startbydoing 💜 Lebanon; TN
benrcarmichael7 bencarmichael96@gmail.com T1 Diabetic | Insulin Dependent | 24/7 Blood Glucose Control | Sports Fanatic | Health | Food | F & F | Music & Travel @benrcarmichaelhealthandfitness
k.v.bausch karen.bauschlicher@gmail.com just a spoonful of insulin helps the sugar go down✨καθ✨

Free Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes List

Want to get even more specific with your targeting? Here’s a free email list of people that have declared their diabetes type:

Free Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes List

Instagram Username Email Address Instagram Bio
ethan_bodhi_robertson mimi@chicmanagement.com.au Chic (Syd) Scoop (Syd) DT Management (LA) Type 1 Diabetic from the Northern Beaches 🇦🇺
tami6409 legendssalonlavista@gmail.com 📚 Homeschooling mum 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Foster parent 💇‍♀️ Cosmetologist 💉 Diabetic (type 1) 🏠 Domestically challenged; trying to FLY.
lukey_armstrong lukeyarm@icloud.com MOVEMENT AS MEDICINE –Type 1 Diabetic -Mental Health Nurse -Diabetes Education Post Grad -Trainer @strong
josh.ai.long blackhole-100016502943128-1558469042@devnull.facebook.com Bristol 📍Rugby player type 1 diabetic @adob_rfc
more_living_less_life rgolka@telus.net Mom; wife; Registered Nurse and proud 1 Diabetic Warrior!!!!!!


If you are interested in learning more about how you can get validated Diabetes email lists, make sure to schedule a quick call with our team, where you can discuss the details related to your targeting.