Neda Pop Andonov

Content marketing specialist and Brand manager

Neda Pop Andonov is a content specialist with diverse experience but with a focus on the creator economy.

She mastered her skills in:

  • Creating valuable and insightful content that gives readers deeper insights into the creator economy industry.
  •  She wrote some of the most insightful articles about creator economy trends, investors, startups, etc.
  •  Writes based on previous surveys and data analysis.

Besides that, she worked with L’Oreal, Linktree, and other businesses to help them dive deeper into the creator economy, spot current trends, and make data-driven estimations about the future of the creator economy.


  • Influencers.Club (Feb 2023 – Jul 2023)
    • Creating LinkedIn content about the creator economy
    • Managed creator economy newsletter, highlighting the latest news in the industry
    • Utilized extensive creator data to produce insightful creator economy reports.
    • Authored top-ranking creator economy articles.
  • (Nov 2021 – Feb 2022)
    • Growth Marketing Specialist
    • Authored in-depth SEO articles targeting B2B SaaS companies.
    • Managed the LinkedIn page and conducted extensive market research.
  • Code Academy Macedonia (Mar 2021 – Jun 2021)
    • Content Writer/Community Manager
    • Produced SEO articles and managed email marketing campaigns.

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