Find Your Ideal Creators

Get access to our database of 100M+ contacts & find creators from all niches

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Some amazing companies
that work with us

Get Access & Find the Ideal Creators

Narrow down the exact creators that are perfect to represent your brand, join your platform, or use your service, using the most advanced creator targeting features available on any service or platform right now.
a graphic showcasing how we can find instagram users by keywords in their bio
TikTok Influencer Database

Explore Our Database

We have data for 52M+ creators and not just from the most popular social media platforms, but also:

  • What other platforms they’re using (Linktree, OnlyFans, Gumroad);
  • Are they monetizing their content or not;
  • If they have a store on any platform.

Not Just Emails! 30+ Other Data Points

With every creator, you get their email & 30+ additional data points that’ll help you better understand them & personalize your outreach.

  • Gender
  • Location;
  • Niche;
  • Engagement rate;
  • Link in social media bio;
  • Interests;
  • 30+ more!
a graphic showing the process that our emails and data goes through to get to the final result

Our Data Brings Hard-To-Believe ROI

We helped Matteo and the Ribbon team target 30 different niches for their platform by scoping their exact targeting persona based on 10 of our unique data points.

They ended up getting over 1500+ paying customers!

Kaleb is a growth marketer that’s currently running his second founded marketing agency.

After trying every scraping tool, he used our emails connecting his e-commerce client with over 100k models.

Currently, Kaleb uses our data for 4 other clients which operate in totally different industries.

Ashleigh has made over 50$ million managing high profile influencers and celebrities like Jake Paul, David Dobrik, and The Try Guys on Facebook.

Now she’s a an email marketer (all thanks to us!).

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we only collect public data from people that have shared their email either in their biography. Practically anything that can be accessed via Google.

Other than email, there are also 30+ different data points like age, gender, location, follower count, interests, engagement rate, and bio.

Since a lot of our clients use our data for influencer outreach we also develop custom filters like income, whether they are active on other SM platforms, type of products they sell, etc. You can read more here.

Yes, a lot of our clients add our data in Facebook ads as Customer List (Custom Audience) and run super-targeted ads that in some cases bring 13x ROAS.

Once we collect the raw data, our data scientists first clean the fake profiles and verify every email we have to make sure we only have real people on the list.

Then we filter the data based on your requirements (like location, number of fans, interest, niche, etc) and the target audience of the client. 

To see our pricing options click here.

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Find the Perfect Creators
Get access to the largest creator database on the market. Let’s talk 👇
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