Influencer Outreach Agency

We find the ideal influencers based on 100+ data points & cover both large and small-scale outreach processes.

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Access our Influencer Database

We have the most comprehensive database in the industry with more than 70M influencers from all social media platforms.

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Influencers Club | Find Creators, Customers, or Influencers

31 data points for every influencer

We can easily find your ideal influencer by getting an insight into their:

  • Number of views and subscribers
  • Keywords associated with the profile or channel
  • Eng. rate, Avg. like & view count
  • Topics covered in the content
  • Bio description
  • Channel description
  • Country & language
  • Links to other social media

Find Influencers That Love Your Brand

We can do it all! Find influencers that are interacting with your brand and reach out to them to offer a collaboration.

Influencers Club | Find Creators, Customers, or Influencers

The Outreach Process

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We work together to come up with the initial strategy, segments, and messaging. Once everything is approved by you, we are ready to go.

Influencer Outreach

You get a dedicated team of outreach experts working towards your goals. 

The benefit of us owning the data is that we get as detailed or as segmented as you want. It’s also very easy to run not just A/B tests but C,D and E.

Measure and Reporting

Every week you’ll get a report with the number of influencers we’ve reached out to, open rates, reply rates, and current pipeline. We also open a shared slack channel so you can reach us at any time for anything.

Frequently Asked Questions

We own one of the largest influencer database, with more than 5M contacts. So, we’re sure to find any number of influencers based on your needs and preferences before doing the outreach.
First of all, you can schedule a free call with one of our representatives. Once we meet, we’ll go over your needs, goals, and expectations. Additionally, you can share with us the target influencers & together we’ll walk you over the next steps of the service. You’ll be up-to-date with every decision & action we make throughout the whole process.
Yes, we can take over a pre-existing database and proceed with the outreach process.

Yes, our outreach experts make sure to personalize the complete process – bringing in better results.

Our work is always goal-oriented, that’s why we’ve worked for some of the biggest global brands.

After working with us, clients have seen:

● 40-80% Target Open Rates

● 2%-6% Target Positive Reply Rates

● Email Address Validation

● Personalized Follow-Ups

We can determine the cost of the service after having our first call with you. The price is dependent on the number of influencers, emails, and other criteria that we will discuss at our first meeting. Click here to learn more.

How Pearpop Onboarded 200K+ Creators in 7 Months

“If you are looking for an additional creator growth channel that is economical, predictable and delivers quality, look no further than! I highly recommend them.”

Adam Maltais - VP of Growth at Pearpop

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Outreach Agency ?

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